Friday, June 24, 2011

Pretty, Pretty PRETTTY!

So, after I bought my Aristocrat, I pretty much got the fever. The aluminum fever. And so one idle day in October, I spied this wonderous travel trailer in Oregon. So what that it was way the heck far away, I had to HAVE IT! It had pink appliances, it was calling my name!!

Altho we have yet to start the rehab on this one, it is in REALLY good shape. I can't WAIT to get it going. Our biggest thing will be to replace some wood on the back panel wall and get the floor retiled....The old yello cafeteria style floor came up in the back on one row because of some leaking around the back panels. But, seriously, this trailer is AWESOME!

Um Sweet. I Actually Posted Something......

Alright, alright, ALRIGHT! I have a post! Hooray! For some reason, this blog logic does not compute to me, howeva, I am none the less happy to be writing sentences right now~! So, here is the skinney. We bought our 65 Aristocrat a year ago and it darkened our domain for 12 months until the conditions were right to start on the rehab. The trailer was parked for 40 years at a family campground and sold to us by the daughter of the original owner. Got some users manuals and the trailer is mostly complete. Not a ton of water damage and in good shape. So far we have cleaned the heck outta this thing, rewired the electic and replaced the old trailer brakes (TRAILER BRAKES!!!!). We repaired some wood damage in the back left closet and repaired the floor under the toilet.

Next on the list, replace some of the damaged wood in the tiny bathroom, paint some stuff and get the canopy up and evaluated ( we got the original canopy that sets up and zips into a tent).

Oh yeah, almost forgot, we replaced the floor even tho the linoleum was original and awesome, cause the prior owners had glued some carpet to it which rendered it no bueno. We also reapolstered the cushions, which provided MUCH entertainment for the APOLSTRY guy as he peeled off three layers of super fun material! YAY!